
JRL Real Estate/ Covid-19 update 4/22/20

It’s amazing what a difference a few weeks can make. The news in Colorado is hopeful. Colorado Governor Jared Polis is expected to make his way to Eagle County this Friday to announce the first county that is allowed to reopen part of its economy. We know it will be limited stores allowed to open, recreation areas and limited access to other amenities in the Vail valley but it is a start to recovery. This has great implications for the real estate business as we will be allowed to show houses again, have open houses and get back to business with the “new normal” in mind. That will mean continuing to social distance, taking all precautions with clients from continuing to disinfect properties after showings, inspections and appraisals and continuing with virtual meetings and closings to get the deal done. See the article below for more information on Eagle County opening back up for business.

There are a few reasons why Eagle County can open up earlier than other counties. First of all, if you read the information, most experts agree that the virus has been in our county for months. It hit people here in February and by the time March rolled around we where seeing the worst of it. We got into it earlier and we are getting out of it earlier as it peaked here earlier. Another reason it peaked here earlier is because Eagle County officials where vigilant in shutting this Valley down quickly. This helped flatten the curve and in the end we have gone more than two weeks with declining cases, we have enough tests for anyone that needs them and our hospitals are recovering and in good shape to care for people valley wide.

Please keep in mind, we live in a small valley with a small population so Eagle County officials, with a great plan where able to get this under control in the Vail valley. We commend them all the hospital workers for their hard work and efforts.

Where does this leave us now? We all still have to be very patient. We have to continue to social distance in our work and play and we have to continue to keep our clients safety and well being as our highest concern in all our real estate business activity. There is a new economic picture and there are great opportunities for investors, buyers and sellers.

If you or anyone you know needs help in the Vail Valley during these tough times, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I have a vast knowledge of what makes the Vail Valley move and I can connect with you anybody for any type of help you need from grocery shopping and remodels, mortgage lenders and appraisals, staging and painting, landscaping and snow removal to roofing and construction, inspections and plumbers, electricians and mechanics and the best damn real estate agent you will find this side of the Rockies!

Our hearts and best wishes go out to people in the other parts of the country that are still fighting this battle. I have heard stories from New York, New Jersey and other parts of the country and I want all those people to know that our thoughts are with them. I wish you all well in these crazy times and hope to see you all sooner than later in the Vail Valley. Jon Lindner/JRL Real Estate/970-331-6111

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