Hey all, summer has arrived in the Vail valley along with that real estate time of year where many people try to sell their homes and investments. We saw record sales volume in May with the highest dollar volume year to date and sales ranging from $280,000 to an $18.5 million dollar buy and remodel project. Welcome to the Vail valley! It’s great to see more inventory on the market but by what I have seen lately in the $600,000 and below price range, people are going to have to get real with their pricing and come down off some of these disturbingly old never been touched since they bought them properties. This is where I truly feel there is some value to be had in the real estate market. The people who have not put anytime into their investments or primary residences are not going to see the return that the people will see who have done the nice remodel and upgrades. Let’s face it, if you don’t put any lipstick on the pig, you have the same old pig sitting in the mud looking just like he did when you first bought him. And, I can help you find that pig, the finest pig money has to buy. Get the picture? I am sure you do as you are a savvy investor and you know what you are looking for. As far as those luxury properties go, I think the Vail valley is still one of the best places to invest. We have incredible craftsmen here in the valley and when you see a good luxury home with all the finest of finishes, you appreciate the artistic talent and the work that went into making these amazing properties. Either way, you need a Realtor to help you find the best of the best. You need me. Give me a call. I look forward to helping you all with a service that is second to none! Jon Lindner/ JRL Real Estate/ 970-331-6111